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0x20 Motivation


The motivation behind starting this small little website is exactly because
of boredom. I have an unreasonable amount of time on my hands that I have no
idea what to do with, instead of wasting it by watching useless cat videos
(albeit it's quite fun to do so) i'll dump all that time doing something that
other people may see as a bit more productive. I've been having some fun
learning about cybersecurity (hacking, information security, w/e you want to
call it) so why not share some of the stuff I encounter and learn.

It would not be smart of me to believe that anyone would read any of this stuff,
but if you are for some reason... enjoy I suppose? Expect scripting, arduino +
raspberry pi, playing around with CVE's, random bits of interesting information,
and maybe some walkthroughs of TryHackMe and HackTheBox. I would not want any
of my articles to even be 1% uninteresting, which may decrease quantity of
material here.


Small note: Dijkstra believed that doing things in the most elegant way, did
not only mean they looked pretty. But rather, elegance is the single best way
to do things. It was straightforward. Elegance is concise. I've taken this idea
and applied it to how my work is shown; website may look a little old but to me
that is the most elegant way. Also, the CSS was taken from Phrack as you may
have noticied - not elegant, but laziness :^)